Friday, April 27, 2012

PDP Gala 2012

PDP Gala 2012 by Rollofunk
PDP Gala 2012, a photo by Rollofunk on Flickr.

Today I really felt I'm living in the current World Design Capital: In the morning and up to lunch I was at Finpro listening to presentations on service design by people from IDEO in London, plus heard four Finnish company cases related to that. Then in the afternoon I headed out to Otaniemi to enjoy the creative madness that is the annual Product Development Project exhibition. As usual, the students had put in long hours and good effort, so the demo effects that some prototype's suffered were easily forgiven. Too bad we consultant types don't get to involve students in our projects.

One thing I was a bit surprised about was that some teams weren't really interested in presenting, but were rather just hanging around and chatting with each other. For example LINK is hiring now, and I might have been a good target for some networking, even though I don't make the hiring decisions. Perhaps they were just all tired from finishing the proto's the night before, and enjoying the end of 8-9 months of hard work. I'd say some of them even earned it .

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