Friday, May 22, 2009

Microsoft Surface Test

Microsoft Surface Test, originally uploaded by Rollofunk.

The Microsoft Surface table was still in Kämp Gallery, and the nice presenter let me shoot some video of the action. Unfortunately the phone isn't at it' best when shooting video. The application is basically a consierge service for shopping centers; The price tag on a purchased item has a QR Code -like patch, and showing it to the Surface brings up other suggested items in other stores fitting the original purchase. This can also be combined with a map function to show where the shop with an interesting maching product is located.

This has good potential in reducing radical fashion mistakes, as long as it's someone with style-sense pre-selecting items to show. Also, this needs to be located in places where people move past but still feel inclined to stop.

Other uses for this tye of application could be navigation screens for elevators in large buildings, or matching wine and dishes at a restaurant, for example.

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