Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Yamanote Controls

Yamanote Controls, originally uploaded by Rollofunk.

The lower right dial tells speed, not sure about the right one, The bright spot next to them is an inset , well lit old skool mechanical pocket watch for holding the schedule, the touch screen shows status for each car of the train (accelerating, braking, doors open) +other important stuff, and needed minimum interaction. The most used part of the UI seemed to be the brake lever, operated with the left hand. The driver didn't touch the right hand lever at all. Maybe it's there just for having something to hold on to?

Somehow observation habits from work die hard even when you're not on duty.

1 comment:

Kim said...

The pocket watch is explained in Jeffrey Friedl's blog at The idea is that it's the train driver's personal watch that goes there and the driver alone is responsible for keeping it in time.